You must have heard of the saying, "A healthy mind in a healthy body." As we take care of our bodies, we must also take care of the health of our minds so that we do not get sick with Alzheimer's disease for example, and our minds are always healthy. It will show you 5 ways to strengthen your memory.
First, I practice regularly.
Studies have shown that continuous physical activity helps and reduces the risk of brain disorders that can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Regular physical exercise for 30 to 60 minutes such as swimming, walking or cycling helps blood flow to the brain and keeps it working normally.
Second: a comfortable sleep.
Enough sleep has been shown to help get rid of harmful proteins in the brain and store memories to strengthen your memory. Seven hours of continuous sleep is enough to activate your mind.
Third: Eat well.
A healthy diet plays an important role in brain health and experts recommend eating plant foods such as wheat, vegetables and healthy fat-rich foods such as omegas found in fish and olive oil instead of red meat.
Fourth: Activate your mind.
Your mind is like a muscle you might lose if you don't use it. There are many things you can do to keep your mind active, such as puzzles, Sudoku, read or learn a new language.
Fifth: Be social.
Dealing with people fights depression and anxiety that can cause memory loss. That's why you shouldn't isolate yourself from others. Stay in touch with your family and friends, especially if you live alone.
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